Imagine this: you agree with a friend that they’ll paint your living room, and you’ll bake them a cake in return. Weeks later, they show up demanding...
Man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack is a type of cybersecurity attack where an attacker intercepts and relays communication between two parties without...
Let's dive into some amazing tips to keep you safe and secure while surfing the online world. Think of it as equipping yourself with a superhero suit...
Here are some helpful tips on how and where to obtain free legal representation in Nigeria: 1. Pro-bono services: Although the law generally requires...
During a court session, I had the opportunity to witness a case that involved a successful entrepreneur who made a hasty decision to acquire a...
Did you know that the first-ever conviction for a cybercrime took place in 1989? The 'Worms v. Morris' case revolved around Robert Tappan Morris, a...